Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

RSC only collects, manages, uses and discloses personal information in accordance with the latest Indian Government Privacy act 1988 (Privacy Act).

Our Commitment to Protect Your Privacy

The Raagasudha Chandrika (RSC) and its related institutions or entities (referred to in this policy as “we”, “us” and “our”) are committed to protecting your privacy and handling personal and sensitive information in an open and transparent way.

This privacy policy sets out how we collect and handle personal information that we hold about you and applies to you whether you are an RSC student, staff member, client, stakeholder, contractor, supplier or user of the website.

We recognise that any personal information we collect about you will only be used for the purposes we have collected it or as allowed under the law. We are bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Indian Privacy Principles set out in that Act and any other relevant law.

In whatever capacity you interact with RSC, you agree to our use of the information in accordance with this privacy policy.

Collection of Personal Information

When we refer to personal information, we mean information from which your identity is reasonably apparent. The personal information we hold about you may also include credit information. Whenever it’s reasonable and practicable to do so, we only collect information about you that comes directly from you.

We may also collect personal information from third party service providers who act on behalf of RSC to carry out specialised activities such as graduate destination surveys and course evaluation surveys. The personal information we may collect about you includes your name, date of birth, address, account details, contact details, occupation, qualifications, payment details, tax file number, bank account details for direct deposits, training details, authorisations and delegations, performance criteria and any other information we made need to identify you.

We do not generally collect sensitive information about you without your consent. Sensitive information may include information regarding: racial or ethnic origins, political or religious beliefs, sexual preferences, membership of professional or trade associations or unions, health information, or criminal convictions.

Why We Collect Your Personal Information

We only collect personal information about you which is reasonably necessary:

  • to enrol you as a student at RSC;
  • to assess your enrolment application in relation to our RSC education and training services and RSC courses;
  • to employ you as a staff member or consultant at RSC;
  • to allow you to be a client, stakeholder, contractor or supplier of RSC;
  • when you register with RSC to receive information about our RSC education and training services and courses via the telephone, email or Website;
  • when you enter a competition or complete a survey form;
  • when you chat or leave a chat message with us online;
  • when you communicate, receive information or make enquiries about our RSC education and training services and courses;
  • for the purposes of direct marketing or to send marketing materials about our new RSC education and training services and courses;
  • for feedback on our RSC education and training services and courses;
  • to maintain your contact details and other relevant information that enables us to service you more effectively in relation to our RSC education and training services and courses.

How We Hold Your Personal Information

We hold personal information in electronic form. We have reasonable commercial standards of technology and operational security procedures in place to protect all information provided from misuse, disclosure and unauthorised access.

We may use cloud storage to store the personal information we hold about you. The cloud storage and the IT servers may be located outside Australia.

We may also store and maintain any content that you provide using the Website, including postings on any blogs, webinars, forums, and other social media applications of RSC or otherwise.

Use Of Personal Information

We only use and disclose personal information about you for the purpose for which it was disclosed to us.

For example, we may from time to time use your personal information:

  • to provide information about the RSC education and training services and courses;
  • to inform you of our new RSC education and training services and courses;
  • to customise and improve the Website and related RSC education and training services and courses offered to you;
  • that you post in our blogs and forums for marketing purposes including our web marketing; or
  • in the form of data (that does not include your personal information) about your experience and feedback regarding our RSC education and training services and courses, or RSC success stories and testimonials for statistics, research and marketing purposes.

We do not sell personal information to other education institutions or organisations to allow them to do this.

You may also at any time request that we discontinue sending you emails or other communications generated in response to your registration with us or via the Website.

Blogs, Forums and Other Social Media

The Website may host various blogs and forums that allow you to share content with other users. Any personal information or other information that you contribute can be read, collected and used by other users over whom we have little or no control. We are not responsible for any other user’s use, misuse or misappropriation of any personal information or other information that you contribute.

You agree that we may use all of the information, including customer testimonials and feedback that you post in social media applications including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for the purposes set out in this privacy policy.

Our Disclosure of Your Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information:

  • to third parties who act on behalf of RSC to carry out specialised activities such as graduate destination surveys and course evaluation surveys;
  • to other organisations that are involved in managing or administering the RSC Website, including but not limited to Sixpath Technologies, Whatsapp & Godaddy;
  • to other organisations that are involved in managing or administering the RSC education and training services or courses;
  • to Government Departments, as required;
  • to direct marketing providers or research companies, including but not limited to, Brandmail;
  • to anybody who represents you, such as lawyers and accountants;
  • to anyone, where you have provided us with your consent;
  • where we are authorised to do so by law ;
  • to investors, agents or advisers, or any entity that has an interest in our institution;
  • to your employer, referees or identity verification services.

Prior to disclosing any of your personal information to another person, institution or organisation, we will take all reasonable steps to satisfy ourselves that:

  1. the person or organisation has a commitment to protecting your personal information by having in place the necessary privacy policy to protect your interests; or
  2. you have consented to us making the disclosure.

We may disclose your personal information to overseas entities that provide support functions to us. You may obtain more information about these entities by contacting our Privacy Contact Officer at email address or telephone +61 (2) 9219 5404.

By providing information through the Website or to us, you are consenting to the disclosure as described above.


You may access your personal and sensitive information that we hold about you at any time. Users who have any problem accessing their personal information or who would like to request a copy of their personal information should contact our Privacy Contact Officer.

Depending on the type of request that you make we may respond to your request immediately, otherwise we usually respond to you within seven days of receiving your request. We may need to contact other entities to properly investigate your request.

There may be situations where we are not required to provide you with access to your personal information, for example, if the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings, or if your request is vexatious. An explanation will be provided to you if we deny you access to the personal information we hold about you.

Updating Your Personal Information

It is important to us that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. We may request that you inform us if any of your personal information changes. If you wish to make any changes or add to your personal information, you may contact the Privacy Contact Officer.

If any of the personal information we hold about you is incorrect, inaccurate or out of date you may request that we correct the information. If appropriate we will correct the personal information at the time of the request otherwise, we will provide an initial response to you within seven days of receiving your request. Where reasonable, and after our investigation, we will provide you with details about whether we have corrected the personal information within 30 days.

We may need to consult with other entities as part of our investigation.

If we refuse to correct personal information we will provide you with our reasons for not correcting the information.

Log Information And Website Measurement

The Website collects standard internet log information including your IP address, browser type and language, access times and referring website addresses. This information is provided by your computer during your first visit to the Website server. The server records this information in a small data file called a cookie, which is then stored on your hard drive.

When you visit our Website again the server may use cookies to enable us to:

  1. identify you;
  2. authenticate your details;
  3. track and record the programs you viewed and when you viewed them; and
  4. collect aggregated data.

Most browsers are set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or warn you before accepting cookies. We use cookies to help us improve and ensure that the Website is easy to navigate.

Website measurement software is used to assist in tracking traffic patterns to and from our Website, anonymously monitoring users of the Website. The software information such as the number of unique visitors, how long these visitors spend on the Website when they visit, and common entry and exit points into and from the Website.

The information is collected and aggregated by us and/or our service provider to assist us in our analysis of our Website.

Changes To Our Privacy Policy

We are constantly reviewing all of our policies and attempt to keep up to date with market expectations and changing legal requirements. As a consequence we may change this privacy policy from time to time or as the need arises. We encourage you to periodically review this privacy policy to be informed about how we are protecting your information.


If you are dissatisfied with how we have dealt with your personal information, or you have a complaint about our compliance with the Privacy Act, you may get in touch with our Privacy Contact Officer at: Privacy Contact Officer Raagasudha Chandrika

Plot No 6, Road No 17 Kavuri Hills, Hyderabad +91 9392931611

We will acknowledge your complaint within seven days. We will provide you with a decision on your complaint within 30 days.

If you are dissatisfied with the response of our Privacy Contact Officer you may make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner which can be contacted via the Office of the Indian Information Commissioner.

Further Information

You may request further information about the way we manage your personal information by contacting our Privacy Contact Officer.

Please go to the Office of the Indian Information Commissioner website for more detailed information about privacy & relevant codes of practice, which underpin all matters related to personal information. In no other circumstances will personal information be disclosed.

Application Form